Have you ever had a time in your life when you just knew something was going to happen, but you didn't know how or when?
For me there have been many of those times including but not limited to graduating from college, my first teaching job, getting married, being in a book, meeting HCJ. Now your first thought may be "Yes, Tisha, we already know all this stuff. Move on."
What you don't know is that I believe this quote and live by it each day: "What we think, we become." - Joseph Campbell
I do believe that what we think, say or do will manifest into and become our lives and our legacy. So, each day I try to live life to the fullest, I try to take advantage of all the opportunities available, I try to do my best and leave a postive, lasting impression on everyone I meet or encounter. It's not always easy and there are days when I get frustrated and feel like giving up just like everyone else. There are many things I've tried that have failed, but I always get up and try again - a different way.
One of the things I've tried in the last few months was to enroll in a Freedom Writers Institute session. After watching the movie with Hilary Swank, I was inspired to become a better teacher and learn new techniques and where better to do that than in California? I filled out the paper work, wrote the essays, gathered recommendation letters, and sent my application to Long Beach, CA. Months have passed and I'd actually given up hope. I had the movie Tivo'd and recently deleted it because I was tired of feeling like I wasn't "good enough."
But tonight, on a whim, I decided to go check the mail. Something I do sporadically and should be more disciplined with each day. I found an extra key in our box and came to the premature conclusion that someone had sent Maddie an early birthday present. When I pulled out the envelope, I wasn't prepared for what I saw. I was holding a book The Freedom Writers Diary by Erin Gruwell. I've seen the book many times at Barnes and Noble, but never buy it because I always conclude - "I don't have time."
Inserted neatly into the book by one fold, was a letter:
Dear Tisha........Thank you so much for your interest.... Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that all of our sessions for 2007 are full. Your application will carry over for the 2008 sessions next year. As an appreciation for your support and dedication to the classroom, please find the enclosed personalized copy of The Freedom Writers Diary. Kindest Regards, Erin Gruwell
Inside the front cover: Dear Tisha, Teach one to teach another. Erin Gruwell
I was speechless! I had anticipated that my denied application would cause me to feel sad, depressed, not enough, and I would just stop trying to seek bigger and better things. On the contrary, my reaction was full of thanks, inspiration, and determination. Someone actually took the time (and Erin Gruwell, no less) to write in a book and send it to me. It is a reminder for me to not give up on my dreams, goals, and aspirations no matter my age, my place in life, or what others tell me.
So, you may leave here thinking, "It's just a book." But for me it is a reminder of this: "The only plan you should make in life, is the plan to be surprised." (Dan in Real Life - thanks, Tonya!)
Monday, December 10, 2007
A Freedom Writers Christmas Surprise
Posted by Tisha at 9:08 PM