Ha! The title actually cracks me up. I cannot believe I'm really throwing out this topic on my blog. Have I no shame? Yes, but I know that my message/experience might help someone else. Thus, the reason for my blog title today. Buckle up and hang on.......
Life Recap
Skinny Tisha - high school, college, in between pregnancies
Overweight Tisha - pregnancies, post pregnancies, and now
Tisha has Crohn's disease - diagnosed at 11 - flare ups common
I'm not going to lie - My current weight is scary. (no I will not reveal it here) First off, I pride myself in my eating and exercising habits. I shop for only the good stuff to put into my body at places like Sprouts, Whole Foods, and Natural Health Market. I workout at least 4 times a week at 30 minutes each time. I stay away from all sodas and most junk food. I will have the occasional chocolate treat, though. (who doesn't?)
It sounds like since I'm not pregnant and live a semi-healthy life that I should be in tip top shape, right?
Wrong. To no avail I haven't lost a single pound. For the last six months, I've gained a total of 5 lbs/month. I, for the life of me, couldn't figure out why. I was close to beating my head against a brick wall. So, last week it all finally clicked and I had that so-called "Aha" moment. All the weight gain, severe headaches, and my over occurrences of Crohn's flare ups have most likely been caused by a particular medication that I've been taking. (e-mail me if you want to inquire more) That's the only thing it could POSSIBLY be. After a little research, I found that many, many, many others were having the same if not WORSE side effects from this particular drug. This is not good. Many of them were seeing their drs only to be told it was "in their head" and would prescribe them MORE medication for whatever side effects the first medication was causing. Seem a little off to you? Me, too. So, I decided my next step was to rid myself of this medication.
Today I had a visit with the dr. and discussed my concerns. I'm glad to report I'm now officially off the meds. My mind is more at ease now and I can work on finding the body and "Tisha" I once before knew. I know the drs know way more than I do, but for once I'm taking my own health into my own hands and looking for some alternatives to the regular Rx we are usually suggested to take.
Overweight Tisha has noticed a real difference in the way she's treated in public now as opposed to how Skinny Tisha was treated in those same places. I'm sure many of you have been in this exact position. Isn't it sad that weight really has that much to do with judgment and the level of friendliness or help you receive?
Aha! Maybe the reason for obesity ISN'T just that people aren't making good choices with food. Maybe, just possibly these people are like me. Trusting of their physicians knowledge and taking many things that are altering that person's body makeup despite the excellent lifestyle they live.
I don't know about you, but I have only one body and I'm the ONLY advocate for the good stuff that I put in there. I have learned a lot through this experience. I've started a body cleansing regimen and am back on the road to a healthier lifestyle! I hope you are, too! :)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Overweight Tisha vs. Skinny Tisha
Posted by Tisha at 12:00 PM