
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Big Kids See Police

I'm sure you're thinking that I'm smokin something with the title of this blog. It's not strong enough whatever it is. I'm t-minus 3 days and counting. Next week at this time I'll be "free." For a few weeks, I'll have some time off with the girls, time for myself and some time to just relax. Yes, a few weeks. Despite popular critics, teachers DO NOT get off as much time as you'd think for the summer. This summer is busier than most: moving to a new school, wrapping up graduation activities (I'm a sr. sponsor), training for my new job, and starting my new job earlier than the other teachers. Throw in a few different classes with exams, a six flags field trip, and the usual emotional attachment I have with my students and you have a recipe for a CRAZED teacher. :) So, watch out - it's a lllloooonnnnngggg blog.......

Some really cool things have happened this past week, though, and as always I thought I'd share them with all of you. :) Not too sure who "you" are, but I know you're out there, as my counter keeps increasing.

I'm of the past MTV generation. I saw The Real World Season 1 and the infamous "Puck" on Season 3. Since the 90's, MTV has, er, changed for lack of a better word. Now the cool shows are My Super Sweet 16 and Rob and Big. I wouldn't know the slightest thing about either of those shows except for the fact that my students talk about them on occasion. It just so happened that a few weeks ago a student talked of the Rob and Big show so long that I came straight home to google it. Apparently, it's a reality show about Rob (a skater) and Big (his big bodyguard). After one viewing I sensed that it was a pretty harmless show compared to the others. I also realized that I was getting OLD! :)
This past week, another teacher and I took approx. 50 kids to Dallas to take a Microsoft Office certification exam. On the way home, we stopped in Allen at Chick-Fil-A for lunch. While I was waiting for my 6 nugget meal, a student, Andrea, came up to me and asked me if I'd seen Rob and Big.
I replied, "Yes, one episode." She said, "He's (Big) sitting over there in the corner!"
"Go talk to him." (me)
"No!" (her)
I confidently respond, "Well, I'll go talk to him!"

Bailey, another student, told me, "He'll KILL you!" I was still pretty confident, though, and realized that it was time for me to show my students what I teach them everyday - "Feel the fear and do it anyway."

So, I told Andrea to find a table so we could scope out the scene. We sat down and I peered over to Big's table. O-M-G. They weren't kidding. He was BIG! So was his sidekick "BamBam." I noticed that he was sitting with about 5 other gentlemen at 3 different tables.

With each nugget, I realized I was getting more and more nervous. What had I done?! Feel the fear and do it anyway might get me really KILLED! But I decided to prevail. I waited for the signal that Big was finished eating and getting ready to leave, then I pranced over to make my appearance. Little did I know that seconds before, Bam Bam had told a few of the other CHS students to "stop staring."

"Hi! I'm T***** D****** from C**** High School and my students are sooo excited that you're here!"

"You're the teacher?" (friend 1)
"Yes" (me)
"Can I take your class?" (friend 1)

*Andrea had to tell me 20 minutes later what his friend actually meant* ;)

"This young lady and I were wondering if we could take a quick picture with you." (me)
"Sure. You're sitting right here (quickly turning the chair around in front of him)." (Big)
"Ok." (what else would I have said? no?!) (me)

So, as we're taking the picture all the students are watching and start laughing. As I turn around to see what Big was doing behind my back, the picture clicked and he was just sitting there. Turns out he thought it would be funny to pretend to kiss me. For the rest of the day all I heard was "Mrs. D! Big was hitting on you!"

Recently, I wrote a blog about my fascination with the New Kids on the Block. I said that no matter how much of a bigger nerd it made me, I'd get tickets and go to the concert. Tonight, I accessed their website to find out that they will be here in October! :) After almost 20 years of dreaming of going to a concert, I'm hoping to make that dream a reality!!!! Who knows.....I might even run into them somewhere random. :)

Today, I had a conversation with a student that was a divine moment. It wasn't planned on my part, and it was one of the most impacting conversations on my heart. It reminded me exactly WHY I became a teacher in the first place. I began to see again what was really important. I needed that moment exactly as it came. I had not stopped all week. Not really. I've been running around like a mad, crazy woman trying to get everything finished. Afterwards, I was so touched that when I finally sat down and was "still" I began to cry. I left for lunch early, and took a few moments for reflection. What I saw was the same 17 year old girl who wanted to make a difference in the world, if only a small difference; I saw that change happens and even when we think we're ready, we aren't always ready to say "goodbye"; I saw that just one or two humble encounters with students is enough for me to be satisfied with a job well done!

My husband is the luckiest man in the world. No, not just because he's married to me, but honestly because he is lucky. Since I've known him, he wins all sorts of things and usually finds $$ while walking in parking lots. In the past few years, we've been to 2 professional basketball games with suite tickets. He usually knows some random
obscure fact about sports that no one else can answer. This time, however, he was just plain prepared when opportunity struck.

Tuesday morning on the way to school, I was listening to my usual radio station and heard that they were giving away tickets to a concert. Unfortunately I didn't know the answer to the question, but thought how cool it would be to see this group in concert. A few hours later, Paul called me to tell me that he won tickets to see The Police! He was caller 1! In the DFW area, that's freakin' amazing!!!! :) So, last night we enjoyed an unplanned date night out! He also brought home my newly fixed ring, which looks like a completely new ring. The night was fun, the breeze was just right, and Sting rocked the house!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Stop and Smell the Roses

It's been quite a long time since I've posted a serious MySpace blog. For the past week, I've been inspired by many things and so I thought I'd share them for those that are interested.

I've heard many things that have stopped me in my tracks. My new quote "When you become comfortable of uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life" is one of those thoughts. We have a difficult time getting out of that "comfort zone" anytime it comes to taking risks in relationships, careers, or life decisions. Once we are "ok" with the not knowing and once we realize that change is constant, great, abundant things begin happening in our lives.

Last night I watched a movie (Things We Lost in the Fire) and it had me sobbing many times throughout. It reiterated the thought I tried to get across in my last blog (Lost). Things are far less important when we have our life, our breath, and each other. It touched a deep wound on my heart and made me rethink what's important.

Yesterday a few of my students began asking about my adoption, my family, my brothers and, finally, the loss of my brother. I ended up sharing with them far more than I'd ever expected. I still cry when I see a particular vehicle on the road. Mainly, because I am revisiting those emotions and acknowledging how long it took me to get to where I am now. It was a long, painful journey. My students reactions were what I expected - "You should write a book!" "You have so much to share!" I've heard it all before. Yes, I've started a book - 2 chapters and a title. If anything it will be something for my girls to remember me by and a great tribute to my brother's short life.

It will be 20 years in July since I saw my brother last. This week his memory seems to be appearing more than normal for whatever reason. I've made a vow once more just as I did 20 years ago: Stop and Smell the Roses. This was the theme at my brother's funeral and just as we all do, I sometimes forget how precious a life I have. Screaming girls, dinner cooking, chores to be done, working-mom guilt, fitting in all the calls to family or friends - this is real life, folks, and if we don't learn to cherish even these moments, the greater ones will pass us by, anyway.

Today, during a visit with a dear, close friend, I caught a picture of my Avery. She was smelling the roses. I don't share this often, but she so much reminds me of my brother, John. Her vivacious personality, her smile, her energy, her mischief.

I hope that many of you will remember to stop and smell the roses, as well. Gratitude is the surest way to infinite happiness.

Monday, May 5, 2008


I'm not really sure where I'm going with this blog. I just felt the need to blog. So, here I am.

This morning I experienced a few symptoms that I had before I got off of the medicine I discussed a few weeks ago. I've never been an anxious person, but this morning I realized just how much anxiety my meds caused. It was controllable, but frustrating all the same. I feel bad for people who have to deal with that on a very daily basis. I felt a rush of panic and even the thought of taking the girls to school heightened the intensity. I let myself feel it and worked through it after recognizing it, but it just reiterated the fact to me that the things we put into our bodies alter everything -even 5 weeks post-removal.

I'm still working on my weight-loss journey b/c of the meds. I see pics of myself last year and realize how great I looked even though I didn't feel it. Now I feel much better but have the lasting symtpoms to deal with. I'm working out for 40 min-60 min each morning at 5:30. It's a lot of work and takes so much motivation, but I know soon I'll see many more results. I am down about 10lbs since I first went to the dr. Progress!

Maddie has been working on a science project for school. She had to collect 10 bugs and display them. I didn't realize all the work it took just for a simple project. It has been a LONG time since I've thought about science projects. :) She had a great time finding them and labeling them, though, and Avery was fascinated by them.

Our potty training venture is still in progress. We're doing better, but I don't think our mission will be complete until I'm able to be home 24/7 with the girls again.

This past week was TAKS. My first reaction is "ugh!" But it did allow me the opportunity to spend some time with students I don't normally have and a time to bond over movies and cards with those that I already do see. I learned a new fun game called "ERS" and realized how much I love the movie Transformers this week!

Yesterday we spent the morning/afternoon at church. For the first time in my life, I really and truly enjoy the church I'm attending. I don't know if my reading of A New Earth has helped me tune into a deeper level of my beliefs and spirtuality, but I see so many new things with a different perspective. Jesus is such an amazing teacher!

We had the chance to see the construction crew lift and mount the cross that will go on our new church building. Dr. Jack Graham was there leading "Old Rugged Cross" and the girls were in awe of the giant metal structure being set on the roof. :)