Today I'm doing all the normal steps when getting ready for a trip: doing laundry, cleaning, packing, making lists. As I do this, I work on continuing to be grounded and grateful. I realize I'm quite thankful for many things, especially the small things like arms and legs (lol!):
1. The ability to stay home with my girls more often than not
2. Dr. Pepper Jelly Belly jellybeans
3. Gas when it was $2.89 (I'm just thankful it's not $4.05 here YET)

4. Accidentally finding baby books, homemade cards, and first curls - so soft
5. Friends that have been there through my chubby preteen phase all the way through my mommy phase
6. Surprise messages from people who I would never guess would write
8. The feel of running through the rain - yesterday
10. Compliments from strangers
I've always said gratitude generates greatness and so every so often I try to practice my own advice.