I was tagged by my friend Tonya ( hey Tonya!) to do this blog. I have been avoiding it for a while, but finally pulled my big girl panties on (as my friend Kim would say) and put some thought into it!
5 things I want my kids to know
1. Know that the greatest purpose in my life and the thing I'm most thankful for is that I was chosen to be your mom. Even if we get upset at each other or do not agree on something - I love you. I always will. I always have even before I actually met you.
2. I know that my working takes a lot away from you. I struggle each and every day with the fact that I'm a working mom. Teaching is a passion and I am not sure that I could never teach again. But the one thing that always pulls me away from it - is you, each of you. Spending time with you is my pure joy. Seeing you grow and laugh is such a privilege.
3. You are strong. Never let anyone tell you that you aren't. You have a strength within you that is stronger than all of those critical, negative things you'll hear in your life. Stay strong.
4. I have enjoyed every stage of your life. Some have been easier than others, some harder than others. Through it all, though, each year with you has taught me something, made me grateful for more, and given me a new perspective.
5. Thank you for teaching me the value of:
a moment
the joy laughter brings
asking for help
5 things you want to tell your children when they are grown up
1. Gratitude is the secret to a happy life. People will try to tell you it's money, fame, the right car, the best house, a boy, the right friends. They're wrong. Trust me. Being grateful for all you are and all you have is true happiness.
2. The greatest struggle may yet be your greatest strength. Be a victor not a victim!
3. God gave you instinct. Use it. Don't let it be drowned out by busyness, jobs, laziness, friends, or someone else's advice. Trust what you know and if something doesn't seem just right - it's probably not.
4. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Fear always holds us back. Don't ever let it hold you back from all your dreams and goals.
5. Change is the most constant thing about life. Accept this and you'll live your best life. Welcome the change. When you do this you'll realize all the new opportunities it brings.
5 things you want to tell your children before you die
1. You are sisters. Love each other. Be there for each other. Have fun together. Learn to trust and hold other's trust. You may not always agree with each other, each other's choices, each other's life, but you have each other - don't walk away from that.
2. I have no regrets. My life has been filled with abundance. There were times I forgot the abundance or made mistakes, but the abundance was never gone. I always did what I loved and made the best of whatever came my way. I looked for lessons in everything and walked away each time with a satisfaction of knowing just a bit more than I did before.
3.Being adopted, I never really knew any of my blood family members. From the moment you were conceived, I felt a connection to you like nothing I've ever known before. It's unexplainable to those that don't know. Then, to look into both of your eyes and see your looking up at me - that was pure love and joy.
4. I know that something I've done has/will probably be an issue when you're older. It happens to everyone - we all make mistakes. But remember that there will come a time when you have the ability to see the bigger picture, the ability to work to change, and the ability to forgive. Know that I always did the best I knew how at the time.
5. I will always be part of you. You know this. Butterflies have always been our "sign" and I'm confident that they always will be. You'll feel me in your heart at the exact moment you need to; you'll hear our song at the exact moment you need it. I'll be there.
5 things you want your child to know before she dies
1. You taught me way more than I could have ever possibly taught you. My life began when the two of you become a part of it and you've been teaching me ever since.
2. You were all I ever thought you could be. Smart, beautiful, fun, happy, energetic and loving.
3. Even though I know that feeling of loss and know that healing happens, I cannot even imagine a life, a day, or a minute without you. I'm not sure that there is another joy out there as strong as the two of you.
4. No matter what - dance. So will I.
5. I love you madly.
5 folks I’m tagging for this blog
(I'm still new to the blog world so I only have 3 people I'm tagging!)
1. Larissa at One Day At A Time
2. JenB at Searching for the Gift
3. Chrissy at Cross Family
Monday, January 21, 2008
Five Times 5
Posted by Tisha at 5:03 PM