After getting several comments on my tooth fairy blog, Paul and I started talking about how funny it was when we discovered that our parents were really behind all of the imaginative and fun kids things: easter bunny, Santa, tooth fairy, Christmas elves.
The only thing I really remember discovering was that Santa wasn't real. I was in 5th grade and actually had an inkling of a feeling, but no hard proof. While preparing with my class for our Christmas musical we were all sitting around waiting on our music teacher and began discussing the issue. I, personally, remembered my parents setting their alarm on Christmas eve. That alone should have been my first clue. Who in the world sets their alarm for Christmas morning?! Lol! I realized later it was because they had to get up in the middle of the night to get everything ready.
Paul, though, by far, has the funniest story regarding the tooth fairy. And so to lighten up my usually blogging style, I thought I'd post his story and have you comment your own funny experiences of your own or with your own children!
"I woke up earlier than usual, and I immediately checked underneath my pillow to see what the tooth fairy left me. I was horrified to find my tooth was still there. I laid there for a few minutes wondering how the tooth fairy could have forgotten me and my tooth. Then, someone started to walk into my room. I pretended that I was asleep to see what this person was up to. Was it the tooth fairy? No! It was my Dad. The next thing I knew he was putting his hand underneath my pillow! What! Was he stealing my tooth?! I just knew he was attempting to take what the tooth fairy left me. He was going to be surprised to find my tooth still there. After he left,I checked under my pillow again, and I found three dollars where my tooth was." ~ Paul
So, what's your story? Leave some good ones!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Tooth Fairy Part Duex
Posted by Tisha at 4:47 PM