Could it really be that long ago that I started kindergarten? I remember it like it was yesterday. Or that long ago that I was 18 just wishing my life would "start?" Why didn't I just know how to be "still" in my life and enjoy it?
Join me as I say goodbye to my twenties - I just finished my last meal before joining that new age group - "30+." lol! Paul made me his famous fried peanut butter and jelly. Yum! Will definitely be running extra mileage for that meal.
As I enter that unknown thing called middle-age, I wonder what all the fuss is about. I mean, seriously, will a light shine down on me at exactly 1 pm? Probably not. Will I have 10 more wrinkles than I did today? Fat chance. Will I break down crying during my 5th period Multimedia class. No, sir.
I'm not depressed or even sad as I get older. I'm actually pretty excited. And I'm alive! With each wrinkle and each gray hair (yes..I have them, trust me), I know that I've lived my life to the fullest. I don't have many regrets, but even with the few I have, I know that I've learned great lessons and become wiser. I also know that I'll make mistakes. It's certain, but as long as I'm always trying to find the real reason God has me on this earth, I'm sure He will continue to guide me along.
My advice to those growing older like me?
1. Eat well. Not necessarily a lot, but eat when you're hungry; don't eat when you're not. Do not deprive yourself from the good stuff, but make an effort to eat the healthy stuff, too. (EVOO is a good start!)
2.Keep moving! Whether it's with your work, with your children, with your family, by yourself or with friends.......e, move, move. I don't have a disciplined work out routine, but I know that if I don't work out 3-5 times a week, I'm not at my best, physically or mentally. Music always helps, too!
3. Keep Perspective! Remember to not "sweat the small stuff." Remember that with every struggle and trial there is a lesson to be found. Be open to the possiblity of change and the fact that others may never decide to - no matter how much you wish. :)
4. Love - remember to love even those that you're not so fond of. :) ( - I work on this one everyday.) Surround yourself with the things and people that make you smile and genuinely happy. What would I do without the girls' giggles and smiles or without Paul's crazy "dad jokes?"
So....happy birthday to all those turning 30 this year. Make it a year to remember!
--orginally posted on December 4, 2006