
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Harry Connick Jr, Sleeping Beauty, and Pacifiers....What do they all have in common?

Nothing! I just thought I'd do a quick update and put them all on one blog

Avery's Addiction: Since a few of you have asked me how things are going - I thought I'd catch you up. Over spring break, we started cutting her paci a little each day. The day before we went back to school, she lost her purple paci and we thought it was over, but to no avail - we had to give her the green one.  2 weeks later, she's still got the green one close by. It looks horrid and is nothing short of the plastic handle, but her attachment to it is still present. She insists on having it for bed time and will ask to hold it when she's upset. My guess is by summer, she'll out grow it and find other things to fulfill that "need." :)

Theatre: We don't usually make a habit of going to theatre productions, mainly b/c the girls have been to young to sit through them. But my co-worker had tickets and couldn't attend so we were able to take the girls to the Dallas Children's Theatre production of Sleeping Beauty  on Friday. It was, literally, in downtown Dallas and the girls enjoyed it so much! Avery was really into it and stayed on my lap for the entire show. We stayed to get the cast's autographs afterwards and enjoyed seeing all the tall skyscrapers up close. It was a fun night out minus the usual babysitter charge! ;)

Harry Connick, Jr: If you know me at all, then you know that I love, love, love Harry Connick, Jr. Thanks to my first official boyfriend, Nathanael Flores, for introducing me to such a talented artist.  I've been listening to Harry since I was 16 years old. Living close to Lubbock, you'd think he'd have made his way there for a concert or two. (His wife is from Lubbock) Since moving to Dallas 7 years ago, he's been here once. Paul surprised me with tickets in Nov 2003. It was an amazing experience to hear him live after listening to his CD's over and over for so many years. He does the best version of Old Rugged Cross  I've ever heard. Well, long story short.......by God's divine intervention, I scored some pretty good tickets on Friday morning (pre-sale only by "secret" code)!!!!! I am so psyched about going and cannot wait!!! If you're interested in my "dialogue" with the computer and ticketmaster.com I've posted it as a separate blog. :) And the countdown to the concert begins...... :)



--orginally posted on March 25, 2007