If you STILL don't know who Harry Connick, Jr is, search for him on www.imdb.com or www.wikipedia.com - after a few minutes it'll all come back to you! ;)
Pre-sale tickets went on sale Friday and after a long drawn out drama with ticketmaster.com I finally got tickets. Maddie is going with me this time and we're selling the extra two to a co-worker and her husband. :) I'm just glad I don't have to wait until tomorrow when they go on sale to the public. :) The mere thought...ugh..... (*wink*). LOL!
The following scenario took place between the hours of 10:00 AM and 10:45 AM on March 23, 2007.
Scenario: Paul logs onto ticketmaster.com and tries to order tickets. It keeps saying that he needs the "target code." He calls me for "the code." I tell him I do not have the code, nor do I know where to get the code. I don't have "the code" b/c I didn't renew my fan club subscription. :( He says I should try to get the tickets b/c the computers at my school are much better than at his work.
Imagine me talking to myself in my classroom: What is the STUPID code? How will I find the STUPID code? Why didn't I just renew my fan club membership so I could know the CODE?! I'll search the Internet. Surely the CODE is online in some forum somewhere......after 4 different websites and no dice - I decided my best bet is to start typing in random words for the code and after a few trys and God's divine help - I FIGURED OUT THE SECRET CODE!!! :- )
Me: Ha! - to you Ticketmaster - you think you're so cool with your codes now. I'm in and I'm getting tickets now! Fanclub membership or NOT!
Me: 2 tickets best available, please.
Computer: Sorry no tickets available.
Me: Again. . . 2 tickets best available, please.
Computer: Sorry no tickets available.
Me: Fine, then - give me 4 tickets best available.
Computer: Retype this weird code that no one can ever really see
Me: Ok....
Computer: You will have 2 minutes to purchase the following tickets in section 102 (very front awesome tickets).
Me: Ok....I'll run over to the phone...call Paul...see what he thinks about getting 4. I can always sell the other 2.
Paul: Yes, get 4.
Me: Ok....I'll run back to the computer and push "continue transaction"
Computer: You have ran out of time to make a decision. The tickets in section 102 are no longer available!
Me: For the LOVE OF MANKIND, I just want really good tickets, again....2 of them....please.
Computer: There are no tickets available.
Computer: Retype this weird code that no one can ever really see
Me: Ok....
Computer: 4 tickets in section 306 (in the back) available.
Me: NO----I WANT THE GOOD ONES....Ugh...just give me 3 tickets this time...
Computer: Retype this weird code that no one can ever really see
Me: Ok....
Computer: 3 tickets available in section Balcony row HHH
Me: WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? Ok....give me 4 tickets in the center left section
Computer: Retype this weird code that no one can ever really see
Me: Ok....
Computer: 4 tickets available in section 205 row HH
Me: Awesome....give them to me.
Computer: You have 2 minutes to fill out this really long form or your tickets will no longer be available.
Me: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Fine...... *rushing to type with no errors and all correct info*
Computer: Congratulations! You're transaction is complete!
Me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I finally got tickets(4 - two are for me and Maddie and the other 2 are sold to my co-worker! Now, to come up with a plan to finally meet him! ;)