For some crazy reason our children delight in making up words of their own during this time we (universal) call the "terrible twos." Maddie's word was "toada." She used this word to refer to the indention right above one's lip. How observant at 2 years old? Realizing that there wasn't a descriptive word for that part of her body. :)
Now that Avery has entered this stage of her life, she has a word, too - sausa. Now for the normal adult this might be misinterepreted as "salsa." No chips needed for this! She's talking about wanting one of the following items: lotion, diaper cream, shampoo, conditioner, mousse, hair gel, pommade, chapstick or any other substance that goes on the body. At any given moment of the day, she scurries about on the lookout for "sausa." Anytime we're doing our hair - watch out! Bath time? She'll ask for it as long as it's visible.
This could be considered one of her first words. We remember it vivdly. We took her out of the bath and put her on her bed with her towel. As the diaper went on, she began saying it over and over. "sausa, sausa, sausa" Before we realized it, she had her entire hand deep into the Aquaphor container. Thus, the new word for 2006 - "Sausa!" Need any?
--orginally posted on December 9, 2006