
Monday, March 10, 2008

Friends through Good and Bad......

Without our friends, we would be hard pressed to get through the tough times and celebrate the good ones. If we leave our friends out of our process when the going gets tough, our friendships can begin to feel shallow. On the other hand, when we include our friends in the full story of our life—the good, the bad, and the ugly—we build authentic relationships in which we can be who we truly are. When we do this, we invite our friends to bring their whole selves to the relationship as well.

I thought this was especially appropriate for me today, as I have a sick girl at home, am preparing for 2 major projects this week that could determine my next few years and still trying to keep up with home renovations and school lessons.

Thanks again Kim and Jen for being such a great blessing in my life and my family's life during ALL times. Big Love! Here's to you both, as well as all the other people out there who've lent an ear, a hand, and a brain when I was losing mine!