
Thursday, January 17, 2008

"I've Got A Loose Tooth.....

A wiggly, jiggly loose tooth hanging by a thread. . . . The tooth fairy took my loose tooth, my wiggly jiggly loose tooth and now I have a quarter and a HOLE IN MY HEAD!"

That's what we've been singing around our house this past week. Madison has lost her 7th tooth to date and will more than likely loose her 8th today or tomorrow. When I was younger I never really knew how competitive kids were with the Tooth Fairy. Some don't believe at all, some get a few coins, others get much more. The first time Madison lost a tooth, we weren't expecting it and it was too late for change for a $5, so guess what? She got $5! When telling this to Harry Connick, Jr last May, he replied, "Girl, when I lost a tooth I only got a few quarters." It's one of my favorite of her childhood stories.

Then last year, Madison and her best friend began comparing notes on what the Tooth Fairy left them. So, on Monday night I was scrambling to figure out what to leave since her friend got a necklace last time. After talking to her friend's mom, I realized there was some miscommunication all around with our Tooth Fairy exchanges. :) I ended up leaving $2, a random sucker I found stuck in my computer bag, and a small journal I've had up in the closet for a few years. Our main problem is that we wait until 10 pm to figure out what to leave; so now we just leave random junk that we've found! (just kidding!)

On a different note, I have something going on currently that has me torn. Without going into much detail, I will just say that of my two passions I have the opportunity of deciding which I would love to do the most. I will probably be writing more about it at a later date, but for now I'm doing some soul searching.

To end, I thought I'd share my word of the week: per·cep·tion /pərˈsɛpʃən/ 1.the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding

If you know me at all, you know that I do not believe in coincidences. I'm a big believer that everything happens for a reason and, for me, these coincidences are much like "road signs" in my life. I cannot say why the word "perception" has continually presented itself on a daily basis this week, but I'm definitely on alert until the time comes for me to see it's importance.

It could very well be a reminder for me to always try to perceive things from someone else's point of view and walk away with a different sense of the world around me.