
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Full of Thanks

As I reflect on the past year, I think about all that I'm thankful for and how humbled I am by all that I have.

Just this past weekend, Paul and I joined a new church family. It is such a great feeling to have an "anchor" in our lives. We are excited about the new opportunities that this church will give us as a family and excited about what we can give back. I signed up to volunteer in Avery's class twice a month. A huge committment for me b/c I love the worship service and I know I'll miss it. However, I know all the blessing from spending time with this fun age group! No matter where I am or what I"m doing there, I'm reminded where my focus should be and how I am not worthy of anything I have.

That brings me to my feeling of thankfulness today. As Thanksgiving approaches, I think of all that I really am thankful for right now. Yes, of course, all the big stuff: family, friends, house, car, food, breath, etc. But I"m thankful for all the small things, too, that are just as important in my life.

1. I'm thankful for myspace. Weird, I know, especially, coming from me. However, if I had not "joined the bandwagon" I would not have been able to reconnect with so many friends that I had remembered fondly. So . . that brings me to #2.

2. Reconnected relationships. To all of you that I've reconnected with: I'm thankful for being able to include you in my life now and share the joys and accomplishments, tears and frustrations with you again. I hope to be able to see you all again face to face. :) I've missed you!

3. Change. I am thankful for change. I always say "Change is the most constant thing in your life." Some people push it away, others embrace it. I usually welcome change into my life b/c I know that whatever comes my way, no matter how uncomfortable, will involve a lesson and a humbling experience that I can pass on to my students and children.

4. Reflection. I find it so important to find time to reflect on my life, my actions, my words, my past, my work, my mistakes. I know that doing this helps me to grow spiritually and mentally. Lately, I've reflected a lot on my past. I, honestly, do not remember a lot. Mainly the most painful stuff or the happiest moments. But as I reflect, I see how I can break certain cycles that exist in my family. I also see that with God I have strength to do more than I ever imagined.

5. Discipline. Discipline is hard and must come from within, which is what makes it hard - no one can make you be disciplined, you have to decide to put it inot action on your own. I have been working very hard on being disciplined with what I watch, listen to, and surround myself with on a minute-by-minute basis. A few weeks ago I decided to limited myself from TV: the news, entertainment news shows, my reality shows, basically, everything except for Oprah, Rachel Ray and Grey's Anatomy (not ready to let go of this one, yet.) I've also only been listening to a certain radio station or my own CD's and have worked on surrounding myself with those people at work that have positive attitudes. "Good stuff in, good stuff out." I've noticed that after a few weeks of doing this and being conscious of my surroundings I have been more positive, more faithful, more willing to be graceful,  and more loving in my actions, words, and thoughts.

So, as this holiday season approaches, I continue to think of the small things that I'm thankful for and repetitively thank God for all of the things I'm not worthy of:

1. loving husband

2. my 2 beautiful girls

3. immediate and extended family

4. a job I love and enjoy

5. a house/ car

6. good health

7. church family

8. good friends---I mean the ones that stay by your side no matter what :)

9. good music---very healing at all times

10. life - it's good to be alive! :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for this year?




-orginally posted on November 21, 2006