
Thursday, September 27, 2007

What are your dreams?

It's been awhile since I've blessed you all with a blog.  Simply b/c I have been in a deep Harry depression. For those of you that don't know...this just means that to follow up on my HCJ blog is difficult. What can beat the blog I wrote about a dream coming true? Well, I've got the answer now----new dreams! ;)

Have I told you that I wanted to write a book? I've started several times, but never seem to be disciplined enough to really put my whole heart and soul in it. I also always seem to talk myself into the fact that no one would read the book much less publish it. Though, now my thoughts are really just being disciplined in finding the time to write.

Have I told you I want to go back to school? I would like to get my masters and become certified to be a teen counselor. It was something I always thought I could do, but teaching was really my first passion. Now that I've had several  years experience with teens, I feel comfortable enough to possibly pursue this in the future.

Have I told you that I would also like to be certified to be a fitness instructor or trainer? Those that knew me in HS are probably laughing on the floor now , but after I had Madison I really became serious about working out and making a life change to be healthier. Now I love running and working out. Something about it is meditating for me and helps me focus and feel stronger - emotionally, spritually, and physically. I would like to run more 5K's and a marathon before I die.

Have I told you I would like to move to NY? The thought of this is so exciting to me. To just pick up and move somewhere new with new challenges, new people and new opportunities. When the girls get older and are in college or have families of their own, Paul and I would like to do this.

Have I told you I would like to attend a teaching workshop in CA called Freedom Writers? I'm sure many of you saw the movie, as did I. I think it was be a great experience. As a teacher, I love to gain different insight and perspectives on teaching methods. Many times I feel that my methods aren't truly understood b/c I don't do anything "textbook." Anyway...I'm going to be disciplined enough to fill out the application and send in my recommendation letter by the end of this week. Make me accountable!!!

Here is a list of dreams that have come true for me:

go to college ( I was the first one, ya know?)

become a teacher ( in a town other than my hometown)

teach HS

be more skilled than my teachers thought I could be

being the subject in someone else's book

meeting HCJ

I firmly believe and tell my students and my own children that dreaming is the key to living. People will laugh at your dreams; they'll make fun of you for them; they'll tell you that you cannot pursue them much less reach them; they'll try to get you to see the "reality" of them.

Above all else, remember...."Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determindation, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe." (Gail Devers)

What dreams have come true for you? (yes, this means I want you to share them here. now.)

--originally posted on June 12, 2007